Friday, May 27, 2011


When we bought our home some of the old plaster walls were in pretty rough shape.I really didn't want to spend the money for a contractor to drywall, so I attempted to repair it myself.This is what it started out  looking like....

I set out to repair  the plaster...not fun !
plaster, sand, plaster, sand, plaster, sand ,............

Now the fun part. I painted the wall a flat mocha color.Then I drew a swirl pattern with chalk, and painted the design with gold craft paint.Add a few embellishments, and this is what it looks like now... 

I love how the metallic paint jumps out of the flat paint.Has anyone else ever argued with the paint dept, about wanting FLAT paint for a wall...they kept telling me it wasn't going to wash well.I told them that's o.k It will be a different color next month anyway.He looked at me like I was crazy!"Yep....and PROUD of it !

Happy Friday !