Friday, August 19, 2011


What exactly are hedgeapples? Well, hedgeapples (also known as monkey balls, horse apples and green brains) are the fruit of the osage orange tree, which is native to the Red River valley in southern Oklahoma and northern Texas. While the hedgeapple has no apparent odor to the human nose, the essential oil in hedgeapples is naturally repellant to many insects.


These freaky hedgeballs (also known as hedge apples, horse apples, osage oranges, monkey balls, mock oranges and green brains) have supposed mystical powers over our spider enemies.
Nobody really knows why, but spiders hate the smell of these in your home and it will make a difference to your spider visitations!

 For insects such as spiders, roaches, cockroach, crickets, ants, water bugs, rodents, and fleas. ...

Folklore provides numerous claims that hedge balls are repellent to insects and spiders. The fruit of the hedge ball has been placed in households for ages. So if you are looking for an environmentally safe way to control insects in your home, hedge balls may be an answer.
The hedge ball average life span in an air condition environment is 2-3 months, although some can develop spots at an early stage. Hedge balls should only be discarded once most of the green has disappeared. They are grown on a shrub like a tree. They are of course non-edible, but not toxic. They are available in produce departments from the second week of August to mid-November.
They look like green brains, lying in clusters along roadsides, from September through December.

At hedgeapple.com you can find lots more information about these weird and wonderful fruits, as well as read testimonials from folks freed from fleas and other insects. Give it a shot! You’ve got nothing to lose but the bugs!