Friday, July 26, 2013


Strawberry Sopapillas

Four 8" flour tortillas
(storebought or my homemade recipe here :http://suzyhomefaker.blogspot.com/2013/07/homemade-flour-tortillas.html
1/2 cup Cinnamon and sugar (mixed 50 /50)

1 can whipped cream
Fresh or frozen strawberries
Vegetable Oil-- enough to give a depth of 1/8" in the skillet.

Heat the oil on Medium heat. Cut the tortillas into wedges with a scissors or pizza cutter( each tortilla should yield 8 wedges). Fry 8 wedges at a time~15 seconds per side to get them to golden brown. Remove and drain on a paper towel. Give them a generous coating of cinnamon ~sugar mix and then lightly toss to evenly distribute. Add dollops of whipped cream and spoonfuls of strawberries. Drizzle with honey. ENJOY!!!