Sunday, December 7, 2014

Gingerbread House Party

This past weekend I hosted a gingerbread house party for family. Having a new grandbaby 7 months ago prompted me to start some new traditions. 

It is such a great experience chatting over hot cocoa, tea and coffee with family and friends. Sometimes we even get a bit competitive. My guests were so happy leaving with their little beautifully decorated houses. 

I can't wait til he gets old enough to decorate his own..... but for now he can just be an adorable little helper. 

                                                             Little cookie man

You can buy pre made houses, make your own from scratch, or even use graham crackers for mini houses.

(over 100 years old)

1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter and lard mixed
1 1/2 teaspoons soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
1 egg
1 cup Brer Rabbit Molasses
2 1/2 cups sifted flour
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup hot water

Cream shortening and sugar. Add beaten egg, molasses, then dry ingredients which have been sifted together. Add hot water last and beat until smooth. Roll out on a floured surface, cut in desired shapes. Bake in greased shallow pan or cookie sheet 40-45 minutes in moderate oven (350° F.). Makes 1 large house or 2 smaller houses plus a couple gingerbread men. Good old-fashioned gingerbread.

Gingerbread House  Royal Icing Adhesive

3 Tablespoons meringue powder (available wherever cake decorating supplies are sold , even Walmart )
4 cups powdered sugar 
4-6 Tablespoons cold water

  • In a large bowl beat the meringue powder and water until frothy.
  • Gradually add the powdered sugar, half of a cup at a time.Scrap down the sides of the bowl if necessary, until the icing becomes thick.
  • Place the prepared frosting into an air tight container and leave at room temperature until ready to use. Or place directly in to a pastry/frosting bag fitted with a tip and use as soon as possible.
  • If you would like to color your icing, use the food coloring in place of the water.

  •  A couple days before my party I assembled the houses to ensure they would be sturdy and dry for my guests. The last thing I wanted was for a house to break apart on someone.

      If you are on a budget, ask people to bring a bag of two of candy ..people always have plenty of left over from trick or treat.

                                            Everyone looking very serious here....

                                                Sometimes we just need a nap.....
                                             The teamwork is my favorite part.

                                                   Admiring their  masterpiece....  

    I encourage everyone to try your hand at your own party. It is sooooo much fun. Crank up your favorite Christmas music, and throw a bunch of candy and sprinkles on the table...Let the fun begin!!!

                        Now to get all that frosting off of everything!!!
