Sunday, May 10, 2015


Rhubarb strawberry syrup

4 stalks fresh rhubarb cut in small pieces, plus more for garnish

2 T. honey
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
5 strawberries, hulled

First, prepare the rhubarb syrup. Combine the  above ingredients in a small kettle....bring to a boil  over medium heat. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour the mixture into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Pour the syrup into a jar and put in the refrigerator until cooled.

Now...on to the Margarita !!!

1/2 cup tequila 
1  1/2 cup rhubarb~strawberry simple syrup
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
Ice (approx 1 cup
Pinch salt

Blend together all of the ingredients in a blender until the desired consistency is reached, then pour into salt rimmed glasses. Garnish the rim of each glass with a rhubarb wedge rolled in sugar. If you wanna spice it up add a jalapeno slice or 2 before blending...DIVINE!


You can make these ahead in a large batch, then put in Mason Jars in the freezer...Then BAM when company drops in remove the cover and garnish...you have a great summer treat!