Saturday, November 12, 2016

French Buttercream

This is a truly decadent frosting / filling. Please note this is not a pure white icing, and as it sits will turn the color of butter.

2 packages (1.3 Oz. Size) Vanilla Cook & Serve Pudding

4 cups Milk

½ cups powdered Sugar

4 sticks Butter

2 Tablespoons real Vanilla extract

Butter and all of the other ingredients have to be at the same temperature to prevent the buttercream from seperating.

In a medium saucepan, prepare the pudding with the milk and sugar, according to the package instructions. Place the saucepan in a cold water bath .. press some cling film lightly against the pudding’s surface to prevent skin from foming). Once cooled, stir the pudding until smooth.

When the butter and the pudding are both at room temperature, whip the butter for about 15 minutes. Once it has become white and fluffy, switch to the paddle attachment and add the pudding, about two tablespoons at a time, at low speed. Once all the pudding has been incorporated, stir in the vanilla extract and any liquor you’d like to add (up to 2 tablespoons).

Makes enough to cover and fill one 9-inch cake.

If the buttercream should split, you can try heating (but not browning) a tablespoon of butter and quickly mixing it through the split buttercream.