Monday, November 20, 2017

CANCER CURE ~Rainforest Herbs by the Shamans

I believe  that  wherever you are in the world, basic business strategies still apply. Greed is greed and profits are profits.The alternative health and natural/herbal products industry in the United States is growing at an unprecedented rate. 

Recent statistics show that consumers have spent more out-of-pocket funds on alternative health and alternative health products and supplements than they have for conventional medicine over the past few years. Mainly because they are starting to realize conventional medicine is not curing cancer.

We have been led to believe if a guy is wearing a white lab coat, he has all the answers and cures. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I have seen it fail waaay too many times in my lifetime. 

The rainforest does provide a wealth of beneficial natural products and highly effective medicinal plants for the  industry, but there are not enough profits , so I truly believe doctors are businessmen first and healers second.

The Amazon Rainforest produces more than 20 per cent of the world’s oxygen, 20 per cent of the world’s fresh water and is home to over 150,000 species of plants. It has long been a symbol of fertility and femininity as the richest biological incubator on the plan.

Currently 25% of Western pharmaceuticals are derived from rainforest materials, but only 1% of plants of the Amazon have so far been tested. Why??...Because you cannot patent herbs, and therefore there is no profits..well not enough for them to bother anyway...

 So here is where the next chapter of my story begins. My mother passed from cancer a few years ago, and I fought the good fight with the best lab coats and hospitals around. I slept in a recliner next to her hospital bed for over a year as I saw the chemo eat at the wood flooring wondering what the hell it must be doing to her body...I believed everything they told us, only to find out they were wrong. Well, not this time. 

My father in law has recently undergone surgery for his kidney cancer, and now they have found a nodule on his lung that needs to be checked in 3 months...3 MONTHS????REALLY???.  NoNoNO...This girl will not be waiting on that appointment. I have come across a wonderful man on face book that healed his stage 4 cancer, as well as many others, to the point of which these herbs are getting harder to get. It is working folks, and I am signing up. All these rainforest herbs have been ordered, and now my challenge is to get this stubborn German to take them....Stay tuned for an update...