Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Gingerbread House Party Christmas 2017

Well...it is time for our annual Gingerbread House decorating party...No matter what age everyone always has a blast. I made lasagna for supper, then cleared the table only to cover it with sweet little houses, and tons of candy.
The youngest was 2 years old, and the oldest was 83 years young...

 A Gingerbread Poem
What do you feel?
The cookie dough.
It's smooth and soft to touch.
Cool and squishy in my hands;
I like it very much!
What do you hear?
The rolling pin.
It's rolling out the dough.
"Rrr-rrr" goes the rolling pin,
A-rolling to and fro.
What do you smell?
A spicy scent.
It's filling up the room.
Sweet and strong, it smells so good-
Much better than perfume.
What do you see?
A fresh-backed treat.
Its color is just right:
What a lovely golden brown!
A very pretty sight!
What do you taste?
The gingerbread!
A spicy treat or two.
Sweet and yummy in my mouth;
Now I'll share some with you!

Merry Christmas to all...and to all a good night...T

.....Hurry down the chimney tonight....