Sunday, June 10, 2018


^^^^^^^^^^^Click on the picture for video ^^^^^^^

I used 2 ~9 X 13 chocolate cakes

Filled with Marshmallow cream

Base iced with chocolate buttercream

Coated with chocolate fondant

3 wooden skewers hold parchment paper sails

Rolo candy for the gun slots

lifesavers for the lifesavers...lol

Gummy candy sharks with buttercream waves

Dynamite candles bought from Walmart

Hershey chocolate Twizzlers for the ship rails

Fondant anchor, pirate ,chains, and parrot

Sparkler candles are stuck in the Rolo candy for the effect of gun fire

Hand painted wood effects

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Isn't the pirate just the cutest???And he is all edible !!!

I added graham cracker for the sand when I got to the party and added some gold chocolate coins I purchased at Walmart

Asher the birthday boy

Everyone got a bit of buried treasure