Sunday, July 1, 2018

Garden Goddess Trellis

O.K So here was my deal...I had a trellis...wood...that had seen better days..I have been repairing it for a couple years. I looked high and low for a pretty vintage wrought iron arch....Well no luck, well...not in my price range anyway...
My old trellis 
My daughter in law had given me a roll of chicken wire she had no use for, and well...long story short, I had an epiphany...I took that roll of wire and started bending and shaping, and thought how stinkin cute would my plants be on a the skirt of a garden diva right smack in front of my house...

Yep...as if the neighbors don't think I am crazy enough , this should leave no doubt...ha ha...ya, I am that girl that just doesn't care, I march to the beat of my own drum, and thank goodness my husband has not had me committed ....yet. 
I got this vase thingy made of metal from my girlfriend years ago...time to give it life...

2 tiered skirt for fullness

I used that fake grass from Menards for the torso..just found it easier than plants right now...I can always add them later

You can see the post I used down the middle for support

My old wooden trellis to the left...
Torso, and the post is set in concrete

Mannequin Styrofoam head, and a ceramic wall hanging I used to make my mold 
Mold made from cornstarch and silicone sealer
Mold filled with concrete

WOO HOO It actually turned out!!

Well I can't use that mold again...but oh well...

Putting the face on the back of the head... 

I used a concrete slurry{concrete thinned with water} to join the 2 pieces

I added a toilet paper roll wrapped in plastic for the spot where the ground post will be added.

Looking inside where the plants will be planted...

The finished hole where the post will go to hold her head

I let her dry for a good week to set 

Time to paint...I just used craft acrylic paints

The installation process...

I think the neighbors thought I lost my mind at this point...lol
1 day old...
Getting there....

She was a hot mess until her skirt grew in...

Lawdy... check out that girls long arms...those bad boys need a trimming...
One week old...

Training a Clematis to hold onto the chicken wire

I had to add a couple silks until the creeping jenny , succulents, and sweet potato vines get established 
I have to admit it was a bit creepy planting her boo bees...

Not a great photo, but she looks awesome at night...

Gotta love those solar lights...

1 month old....

Here she is today a month old...7.1.2018

I will keep posting as she "matures"...

1 Month video here...

Watch for the full tutorial on Youtube ..link below



Well you know I can't leave anything alone...My garden goddess got lip color and eyelashes today...I also re~arranged her arms as her purse was getting lost in her skirt.

Her roses are starting to bloom...

Fall is Here !!!
Before she got her witch hat...

Her angel look for Winter..
I covered her dress with evergreens, added a crown and some angel wings ...

And then we got hit by a Polar Vortex..Jan. 31, 2019


Here she is with 3 seasons...I cannot wait for Spring...maybe some bunny ears?? lol