Wednesday, March 6, 2019

I want a new Drug~The truth and questions about Vaccines and why they are tainted.#SocialMediaCensorship

Sorry ya'll I just have to get something off my chest...

I know no one wants to hear this , but it has to be said in order for it to stop...

I was at Walmart the other day, and as I walked down the main aisle there was a large table set up with a couple youngsters wearing white lab coats and pushing their flu shots...
I tried not to make eye contact as I walked by with my cart full of organic groceries, thinking please, please, please, just let me pass unscathed....well  that was wishful thinking on my part....

The young man  in his white lab coat headed me off, and asked if I had gotten my flu shot...I said "no",and tried to keep walking.

He then started his pitch "Well ma'am we are offering them today for free, are you interested?'

Alright I thought I do not want to be dis~respectful, but clearly this was a chance to get a question answered that has been on my mind for a loooooong time..
I said "Sure, I just need an ingredient list ". He looked at me puzzled and said they don't give us that information". 

I nicely said"Hmmmm... that's funny because I just spent the last hour looking at all the labels on the food in my cart, and I know from working in the food industry everything must have a detailed  ingredient label on each item, or there surely would be a fine."" Yet, you want to inject God knows what directly into my bloodstream? " "No thank you"...and walked away as he stood bewildered.
My only hope was to educate him as well as the others around him.

O.K so I am not saying there are aborted babies in the flu shot... 
there isn't that I know of...
I am just saying we are in a dangerous territory when ingredients are not put forth in plain English before letting someone inject something directly into our blood steam.

My question is could there possibly be unknown implications on societies that are injected with the genetic materials of other humans causing physical harm?

Literally this morning a segment was on Fox news that had me thinking...maybe they had changed ingredients ...I was hopeful...then I paused the TV when they showed one of the labels for measles, mumps and rubella vaccines... ughhhh why are more people not asking the same questions I am, but  instead are just running around blindly thinking everything someone tells you must be so...

O.k So now onto the reason for today's post. Let us start with the doctor that is in the clip from Fox news this morning...just some background because that is how I roll...I check everyone out...

Dr. John Weisman...grew up in Horicon Wisconsin, and  was appointed secretary of health by Governor Jay Inslee and joined the Department of Health in April 2013. He also wants to protect our children's future against climate change...To that I have to ask why he doesn't want to protect the unborn children that are being injected into other children...

John on the right with his husband Ted on the left

My video on YouTube of the entire segment including the horrific ingredients...

Here is a short clip of the segment just in case YouTube decides to censor my video (yes, it happens to me all the time on Pinterest, Facebook, and YouTube)....

This opens a whole new can of worms...

Why are baby parts so lucrative?? 

How did this happen in a civilized society??

Where human version of PETA ?

Well our government may have had the largest hand in it...here is a link to all of the studies that have gotten funding.
Human Fetal Tissue Reporting

Vaccinating children with vaccines prepared using cell lines made from aborted human fetuses ... "tainted" vaccines

It concerns  me to no end vaccines contain live viruses which have been prepared from human cell lines of fetal origin, using tissues from aborted human fetuses as a source of these cells.

The aborted human fetal cells  are used for growing viruses, which are then used in the preparation of inactivated and live virus vaccines. Viruses for vaccines are also grown on other kinds cultures such as chicken embryos or from cells from different animals and bugs, such as army worms, but, according to the National Network  for Immunization Information (NNii), “human cells are preferred because cells derived from animal organs sometimes may carry animal viruses that could harm people.

Well that makes me feel so much better....NOT!

To date, there are two human diploid cell lines which were made from tissues of aborted fetuses (in 1964 and 1970) and are used for the preparation of vaccines : the first one is the WI-38 line (Winstar Institute 38), with human diploid lung fibroblasts, coming from a female fetus that was aborted because the family felt they had too many children (G. Sven et al., 1969). 

The second human cell line is MRC-5 (Medical Research Council 5) (human, lung, embryonic) (ATCC number CCL-171), with human lung fibroblasts coming from a 14 week male fetus aborted for "psychiatric reasons" from a 27 year old woman in the UK. 

Vaccines using aborted babies include:
  • Adenovirus
  • DTaP-IPV/Hib (Pentacel)
  • DTaP-IPV (Quadracel)
  • Hep A (Havrix)
  • Hep A (Vaqta)
  • Hep A/Hep B (Twinrix)
  • MMR (MMR-II)
  • MMRV (ProQuad)
  • Rabies (Imovax)
  • Varicella (Varivax)
  • Zoster (Shingles – Zostavax).

If someone rejects  abortion of human fetuses, would such a person not contradict himself/herself by allowing the use of these vaccines  on their children? Would it not be a matter of cooperation in evil, even though this evil was carried out forty years ago, but continues today?

There are three categories of people who are involved in this  evil, evil which is obviously  the action of a voluntary abortion performed by others:

 a) those who prepare the vaccines using human cells  coming from voluntary abortions; 

b) those who participate in the mass marketing of such vaccines; 

c) those who need to use them for health reasons.

Firstly, one must consider  the moral compass in the  cooperation (sharing the evil intention)  of those who have performed a voluntary abortion, which in turn has allowed the marketing of fetal tissues, required for the preparation of vaccines. 

Therefore, whoever is involved in some way, knowing its intention, to the voluntary abortion with the agenda of producing the above vaccines for profit, participates, in the same moral evil as the person who has performed that abortion. Anyone associated with  the abortion and doesn't denounce or criticize this illicit action,should have the moral duty to do so in my opinion .

Why do they not dedicate themselves to research and promote alternative ways, exempt from moral evil, for the production of vaccines for the same infections?

Doctors use  vaccines for their customers children, in spite of knowing their origin { abortion}, must at least provide a list of ingredients that the common person would understand (not scientific numeral mumbo jumbo). After all we demand it on our food products, right?

Therefore, doctors and  families have a duty to take recourse to alternative vaccines (if they exist), putting pressure on the political authorities and health systems so that other vaccines without moral problems become available. They should take recourse with regard to the use of vaccines produced by means of cells of aborted human fetal origin.

 Equally, they should oppose by all means (in writing, through the various associations, mass media, etc.) the vaccines which do not have morally acceptable alternatives, creating pressure so that alternative vaccines are made, which are not connected with the abortion of a human fetus, and requesting  pharmaceutical industry producers make a change.

Unless minds and hearts accept the truth of the evil of killing babies in the womb, there will inevitably be more fresh human unborn baby cells used for human medications, while science and medical professions will remain in denial  as strange and new illnesses increase, along with increased  allergies, autism, and more.


The HHS's multi-million-dollar contract with UCSF that requires the construction of these “humanized mice” creates a demand--driven by federal tax dollars--for tissue taken from late-term aborted babies. According to an estimate it has published on its website, the National Institutes of Health (which is a division of HHS) will spend $95 million this fiscal year alone on research that--like UCSF's "humanized mouse" contract--uses human fetal tissue.

The article states that these experiments have created a demand for more and more baby-organs. Seems to some scientists, that your baby is worth more money dead and chopped up, than alive and kicking.

There is something we can do...demand an investigation at the very least..you can find the petition here...Demand an investigation

See how your state rates in  abortion...click this link and enter your state.

In conclusion...

I now fully understand Germany in 1932. I often wondered how all of these people believed what they were seeing as a good thing...

How bad does it have to get before Americans stand up and say enough?

Oh and one last thing...

Pinterest Censorship....

It’s literally jaw-dropping to witness the amount of censorship that’s taking place in our world right now. It’s coming in all forms....
Well, may I remind you of George Orwell’s 1984,  a classic book depicting a populace ruled by a political regime that persecutes individualism and independent critical thinking as “thought crimes” that must be enforced by the “thought police.”

Just so you know, Pinterest is watching your private boards as well. If they find something that is infringing against their belief or political agenda, they will remove it.

The new Internet Police  are scrubbing the World Wide Web of information they do not want you to see or talk about is part of the larger culture war going on today in our country and in many countries. When it comes to vaccination, discrimination, and censorship, it is justified in the name of public safety and The Greater Good.
The more you know.