Friday, March 22, 2013


Half Dolls have been cherished by Victorian and Edwardian Ladies since the early 1920's.

Once upon a time, women applied their loose powder with soft, fluffy 'puffs' made of feathers, cotton, and even fur. Not like the cosmetic sponges that women use today, powder puffs were made to look pretty in addition to being functional.

 If you ever watch old  movies from the  early 1900's, you will often notice that the leading lady has a vanity table in her bedroom with beauty items that look almost too exquisite to touch. Vanity items from long ago were designed to be displayed, and powder puffs from the bygone era came in many interesting and beautiful styles.They were also a statement made from the well to do ladies.

These vintage beauties fetch upward into the hundreds of dollars. I'm just not a buyer at that price, and then I would fear breaking it. I came up with a way to repurpose some items I already had. I did order a 7 inch puff Fashioned from the purest soft, combed lamb's wool. They last a lifetime because you can wash them.