Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Remember this is a FREE country...or so we thought.

Whether you agree with this post or not...it contains things which should make one take pause. 

I have to say my piece..
Yes ,my mom did vaccinate me..and yes I did get the chicken pox not once but twice ...once at 8 and once at 24. This has always made me think why I got the vaccine in the first place...

I am not against vaccines, I am however against some of their  ingredients , and the fact that they cannot be sued.

 I am an advocate for more testing,  safer ingredients, and most of all my choice over my body.

To0 many pockets are being lined to ever think we have a God given right of choice. It’s sad when the people you put your faith in never have your best interest in mind.

To imply that vaccines, or any pharmaceutical, is one hundred percent safe is anti-scientific. Even ibuprofen can severely damage or kill someone. Injecting substances into the the blood stream is obviously highly intrusive. The real question is always ‘is the treatment safe and effective; what are the risks’.  Drug interactions are a major area of study and concern, but there are zero studies on the cumulative effects of the increasing number of currently recommended vaccines.

 I believe that extreme government actions will continue to happen and that will bring the issue to light.

 Government and pharma have no desire for debate, to have each side present their case.

 It’s incredible the vast opinions on vaccination: 
provac/prochoice, provac/nochoice, antivac/prochoice, antivac/ban vacs. 

We all have friends all over the spectrum, best friends from childhood who demand kids be taken away from antivac parents, or friends who call you stupid for vaccinating. 

Division only benefits pharma... and government... who weaponize issues and differences. 

The only difference, from my observation, is for one side to be anti-choice: they demand you comply to their own beliefs in vaccination, whether true or false. 

We should all rise above our differences and stand for freedom.

 I do not see measles on this list...

Ladies and gentlemen...keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. It's about to get bumpy.....

We are witness to an orchestrated frenzy that has been revved-up by vaccine stakeholders – i.e., those who have a direct or indirect financial stake in vaccines– through the corporate/academic institutions that employ them.

Do you find it odd their contract is about to expire, and now we are seeing bans on free speech about vaccines on all social media platforms ie: Facebook, Pinterest, etc.?