Monday, April 15, 2019

Notre Dame Cathedral Paris France

Today we lost a true masterpiece...

It’s not just a Parisian monument. It’s not just Christian. It’s not just French...Here are some pictures I found of her via Pinterest.

On April 15, 2019, a fire broke out at the cathedral, destroying the iconic spire and much of the roof. The spire has now gone, and firefighters are still working to contain the flames. It's unclear what started the fire, though it could be related to ongoing renovation work, although I have a different theory...This was one of the true wonders of the world.A dozen Catholic churches have been desecrated across France over the period of one week . See links below.




A water reservoir, covered with a lead roof, is located between the two towers, behind the colonnade and the gallery and in front of the nave and the pignon. It can be used to quickly extinguish a fire.Why wasn't this used? 

There is a book out..."The Mosque of Notre Dame'.How prphetic..
It is set in 2048, Muslims from Arabia and middle Europe have taken over the governments of Western Europe and locked down the countries under Sharia Law—minarets, burkas, and all. 

Picture Paris’s l'Arc de Triomphe as the staging ground for the stoning of wine makers. Imagine the Louvre bare and stripped of all of it works of art. And consider the grand cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris converted into a Mosque, complete with his ’n’ hers footbaths. (By the way, the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome has been flattened and turned into a garbage dump.) 


I had to turn the TV coverage off. What we are witness to is the erasing of the old Western Tradition. We are seeing the destruction, the literal liquidation out of existence of the West. 

America itself has declined socially, culturally, demographically, ethically. Be prepared.

Today was Holy Monday.

The cathedral has one of the oldest  wood-timber frames in Paris, Around 52 acres of trees  were cut down in the 12th century. 

Each beam is made from an individual tree. For this reason, the lattice of historic woodwork is nicknamed "the Forest."

Notre Dame in Paris is a part of our world's heritage. It appears as though we may have lost it today. It has at least been heavily damaged. 

My heart goes out to the people of Paris. 

This is/was a major symbol of their city and it's in a lot of trouble right now. God be with Paris and with those fighting this fire.