Friday, April 28, 2017

Candied Violets

Think twice before weeding out this medicinal and edible wildflower; it may be one of the most valuable plants in your garden..not to mention the beautiful and best tasting!!

 Sweet violets  can be candied or used in violet tea, violet cake, and violet syrup. While commonly added to salads, you can also use violet flowers to make vinegar's, butters, spreads, and jellies. Sweet violet flowers are as beautiful as they are edible. 

Harvest freshly opened flowers in the morning when the oils are most concentrated and blooms look their best. The more you harvest, the more blooms will form. Harvest the sepals (base of the flowers) with the petals for added flavor...

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Lightning McQueen Cake Disney Cars

My first born Glam~baby turned 3 today!!!
OH MY...Where does the time go....seems just yesterday he was a tiny baby...
Sterling loves his Lightning McQueen...I actually think this was one of his first words he spoke, so there was no doubt he needed a cake that looked like him...I have never made one before, so it was all trial and error. Thankfully there were no
He LOVED his cake, and wanted to play with it...