Just ordered pet oxygen masks for my donation to the fire department.It's my Christmas present to all our" furry faced friends" in the village! xoxoxoxo
Does your local fire department have them, it might be worth checking in to.
A small but growing number of fire departments around the nation are acquiring oxygen masks for pets through the kind donations of animal lovers like you. A gift that will let firefighters help dogs and cats suffering from smoke inhalation.
Each engine and medic unit in the city will have a green bag filled with a large pet oxygen mask and instructions on how to deliver the air to the distressed pet. The rescue truck, which goes to all fires, also will be equipped with a small canine mask and a feline mask.These masks cover the pet’s entire snout, rather than firefighters having to give a pet oxygen through a tube that blows it by their face.

Each pet oxygen mask kit comes with small, medium and large masks that can be used to revive dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, Guinea pigs and even birds. A set - with padded case included - costs $70, plus shipping.
Please check with your local department.
Does your local fire department have them, it might be worth checking in to.
A small but growing number of fire departments around the nation are acquiring oxygen masks for pets through the kind donations of animal lovers like you. A gift that will let firefighters help dogs and cats suffering from smoke inhalation.
Each engine and medic unit in the city will have a green bag filled with a large pet oxygen mask and instructions on how to deliver the air to the distressed pet. The rescue truck, which goes to all fires, also will be equipped with a small canine mask and a feline mask.These masks cover the pet’s entire snout, rather than firefighters having to give a pet oxygen through a tube that blows it by their face.
The U.S. Fire Administration provides these tips to help rescuers find your pets:
• When leaving the house, keep pets in areas near the home’s entrance so firefighters can easily spot the pet.
• Practice escape routes with your pets. Keep collars and leashes ready in case you have to leave the house quickly or firefighters have to rescue your pet.
• Stick a pet alert removable sticker in the window near your door. On it, write the number of pets in the house. This saves firefighters time in locating your pets.
These removable stickers can be obtained free online at www.adt.com/pets or at www.aspca.org/about-us/free-aspca-stuff/free-pet-safety-pack.html.
Losing a pet due to a house fire can be a devastating experience. As most pet owners leave their furry companions home alone when they go to work, pets are left to fend for themselves in the event of a house fire. While affixing 'rescue alert stickers' to your home can be helpful to first responders, saving the pet's life is not assured. Unlike humans who instinctively run out during fires, pets instinctively look for a hiding place to protect them from the fire.
Far too many pets die each year of smoke asphyxiation (Click HERE to learn more). While firemen attempt to get pets safely out of burning structures, they are not able to revive them unless they have the proper equipment — pet oxygen masks. These specially-designed animal masks can be used both on conscious pets that have suffered from smoke inhalation and pets that need to be resuscitated after losing consciousness from exposure to the dangerous toxic fumes.
Each pet oxygen mask kit comes with small, medium and large masks that can be used to revive dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, Guinea pigs and even birds. A set - with padded case included - costs $70, plus shipping.
Please check with your local department.