"Sudsweiser" SHAMPOO

*Reduce 4~12 oz.cans or bottles of beer by heating it. Heat it in a sauce pan over medium heat until it is approximately ¼ the amount, approx.16 oz.
*16 oz. reduced beer
*4 oz of grated castile soap
*1/2 ounce of dried rosemary leaves (stimulates the hair follicles and has been known to prevent premature balding)*1/2 ounce dried sage leaves (it keeps things from spoiling and also acts as an antioxidant)
*1/2 ounce nettles (contains nutrients that help the hair grow and is a blood stimulator),
*Few drops of Lavender oil (helps to control itchy scalp)
*1 teaspoon borax
*1 tsp. organic olive oil*1 pint hot water with 3 tablespoons vinegar (white),
Mix the ingredients together in a large kettle, heat on low heat until castile soap is dissolved and then place into a large bottle (like an old shampoo bottle)
Shake well.
All ready to go.
**************************************************************************************Shake well.
All ready to go.
"Sudsweiser" CONDITIONER
Beer shampoo will add volume and body to your hair. Shampooing with beer daily is a natural way to help hair appear thicker and fuller. Beer is made with Brewer’s Yeast which contains a lot of vitamin B, perhaps that’s why it’s been hailed as a hair growth aid .
*Reduce 4~12 oz.cans or bottles of beer by heating it. Heat it in a sauce pan over medium heat until it is approximately ¼ the amount, approx.16 oz.
Here's what you will need:
*16 oz. reduced beer
*1 tsp. each sweet almond oil, aloe vera gel and organic honey
*1 bar castile soap, grated
*2 ounces glycerin
*the contents of four Vitamin E capsules
*four to six drops of your favorite essential oil
Heat beer in large kettle.
Add oil, gel, honey,glycerin and vitamin E to the beer and turn the heat as low as it will go.
Add grated castile soap .Simmer until all grated castile soap is dissolved.Remove from heat and let cool.
Add cooled mixture to a recycled bottle that you'll be using for the finished shampoo, set aside.
Shake well and you've got your shampoo!
Optional added ingredients:
- for dark hair: sage leaves
- for greasy hair: yarrow
- for fair hair: marigold flowers
- for dandruff: a mixture of nettle leaves and burdock roots
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