While this bread looks difficult to make, it is not at all. It is however a bit more time consuming, but with the cuteness factor makes up for that.
I made this using my bread machine. It's just your basic 1.5 lb wheat bread. You could do it the homefaker way by using thawed frozen bread dough also.
I divided the dough into 4 equal parts . Put one aside for the roses and leaves. The other 3 you make into long ropes about 12 inches long, and braid them. Put in a warm place and let rise til doubled.
In a small dish beat 1 egg with a teaspoon of water.Brush your braided loaf lightly with this mixture.Set aside.
The remaining dough you make into a rose by making flat long strips and rolling them. Leaves are just oval pieces that you pinch one end to make a point. Put these pieces in the refrigerator when complete.
After your braided loaf has doubled in size, bake in a 350 preheated oven for 20 minutes. Remove and add your roses and leaves. Apply your eggwash to these using a small brush. For color you will just put a drop on your brush and add where you want it. When finished put the decorated loaf back in the oven for another 20 minutes. That's it....ENJOY!