Supplies needed
~2 colanders
~1 string Christmas light with white cord for the white (green for the black one below)
~2 yards 2 inch wide ribbon
~Embellishments (picks, twine, bells.whatever floats your boat)
~Hot glue gun
Optional:Spray paint(if doing the black one or any color you prefer)
*Use 2 strainers/ colanders...Break the handles off of them , or cut them off...I used a serrated kitchen knife, but you could use a nippers, or a dremel tool also..just be careful not to cut yourself. The ribbon will cover it, so it doesn't have to be perfect by any means.
* Put your lights in between the colanders , you can glue some to the top if you want them more spread out.
*Glue your 2 colanders together using hot glue.
*Glue your ribbon around the handle edges.
*Make a bow for the top using leftover ribbon.
*Add embellishments.
~I used a cable tie for the top to make a hanger..looping it thru the holes in the colander . You do not need to do this if you are putting it on a tabletop.
*Plug it in and ENJOY!!