I have learned how to be broke and boujee, I have quite the talent for making life luxurious on a dime. So, here are my tips on how to live your life like the queen you are even if ya gotta fake it. Don't worry: we're all tempted to fake it sometimes.And that is O.K...I give you permission. A little organization, housecleaning, tips, shortcuts and hints to help save time / money and we can have that wonderful little Suzy come out in each and every one of us.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What You Need To Know About Candida
O.K...I just have to do a blog post on Candida...
You might be wondering, “What the heck is Candida?” Candida is a fungus, yeast that lives in your mouth and intestines. Its job is to aid with digestion and nutrient absorption. However, when it is overproduced it breaks down the wall of the intestine and penetrates the bloodstream. This releases toxic byproducts into your body and causes leaky gut.
Once Candida has gotten into your intestinal lining and caused your gut to become leaky, it opens the floodgates for undigested food particles, toxins, viruses, and bacteria to pass through your intestinal wall and into your bloodstream. This causes an inflammatory response from your immune system that is trying to to fight off these “invaders.” As your gut remains leaky, your immune system continues sending out wave after wave of inflammation, and soon gets stressed, weakened, confused, and begins functioning less . This can be the cause autoimmune disease.
I have been trying to figure out where all of my nasty post nasal drip has been coming from. Let me tell you Dr.'s are no help. They just wanted to give me crap for my symptoms instead of finding the problem...story of my life.
Long story short, I felt awful, like I was drowning in mucus, no energy, coughing, had terrible eye bags under my eyes...I actually thought I had mold in the house, that is how awful I felt.
How did I get rid of it???
First, I starved the Candida by removing the foods that feed it. I cut all sugar and alcohol and limiting carbohydrates such as fruit, starchy vegetables, grains, and beans.
Then I had to create an inhospitable environment for yeast to grow.
A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar a day with caprylic acid is what helped me.
Now I am going to tell you that as those little candida buggers die off, you will crave sugar and carbs like crazy, they want to eat..be strong, know that at the end you will feel amazing.All the foods below help kill candida, so any you can incorporate in your diet makes the process all that much more quick...
Gluten and casein intolerance/allergy is often the root of substance addiction later in life.
How many of our children appear to be addicted to pizza? Macaroni and cheese? Chicken nuggets? Cereal and milk? Ice cream? French fries and milk shakes? Apples? Grapes? Ketchup? Pickles and pickle juice?
The common factors here are: grains/gluten, milk/casein, sugar, and yeast.
How many of our children who crave these things also have problems (occasionally or chronically) with constipation?
Grains/gluten, sugar, and yeast make alcohol. Especially in places where they sit for a while in warm darkness.
Yeast is always present in the human body. However, when the internal ecosystem (the micro flora of the gut) is disrupted by overuse of antibiotics and steroids, or when the gut is damaged by exposure to environmental toxins, and especially when the gut is damaged by exposure to environmental toxins AND antibiotics... what often happens is an overgrowth of pathogenic yeast. Because all the good guys (beneficial bacteria) have been wiped out, the bad guys take over. The result is candidiasis-induced gut damage. Leaky gut syndrome. Intestinal hyperpermeability.
Yeast are like plants. They have “roots” that burrow through the lining of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. A healthy GI tract is impermeable. It’s tight. It doesn’t leak. A gut that is overrun with pathogenic yeast is like a colander. It’s a “leaky gut.”
Once the lining of the GI tract is damaged, and pathogenic yeast takes over, and the gut becomes leaky, that’s when the factors are perfect for the initiation of what will later become known as “substance abuse.”
Let’s go back to gluten and casein.
Gluten is the protein in wheat. It is also found in many other grains.
Casein is the protein in milk. And cheese, yogurt, cream, half and half, and yes... ice cream.
Gluten and casein are food proteins. They are the two food proteins that are the most difficult for the body to digest. In the presence of an injured gut, and particularly in the presence of a leaky gut, gluten and casein are more likely to break through the lining of the gastrointestinal system, undigested, and from there, they gain entrance into the blood stream. The bloodstream is where undigested food proteins absolutely should not be.
Undigested food proteins in the blood stream can cause (yes! I said CAUSE) very serious health conditions like anaphylaxis. Which can be deadly. Anaphylaxis is an extreme, acute reaction. Undigested food proteins can also cause or contribute to reactions which are less immediately severe, but which can lead to chronic health issues such as allergies and inflammatory conditions affecting the gut, joints, brain, skin, and immune system.
In some people, when undigested gluten and casein break through the lining of the gut, those proteins are misidentified by the body as endogenous opiates. “Endogenous” means produced within the body, and not taken in from an outside source. Endogenous opiates have very similar effects on the.body... similar to other opiates from other sources... like OxyContin. Or heroin. Or other drugs that play a major role in the excitation of the dopaminergic (reward) system.
So... your six year old has had multiple ear infections which were treated with antibiotics. Your baby may or may not have had some weird skin rashes that come and go. And some issues with constipation and/or diarrhea. And yeah... he’s a picky eater. Craves bread. And cheese. And wants ketchup on everything. And drinks pickle juice.
What’s with the ketchup and pickle juice??? And why does she only eat apples and grapes?
Answer: Fermentation.
There’s a reason apples and grapes are used to make wine. They ferment quickly and easily. And that means they “feed” yeast. Children with pathogenic yeast overgrowth crave fermented things and things high in sugar.
Are you getting the picture yet?
The leaky gut allows the undigested gluten and casein to get into the blood stream, where it is misidentified by the body as an opiate.
One of the symptoms of opiate intake/dependence/addiction is constipation.
Constipation causes fermentation in the gut. If your child has a leaky gut due to yeast overgrowth, he will crave grains and sugars. Those grains and sugars then sit in that warm, constipated environment. And guess what? Your six year old is no longer a child. She’s a still. She’s producing her own alcohol. She may be overly silly and display inappropriate laughter or other emotional responses that seem out of place. Just like a drunk.
Think about this... the typical American child eats cereal and milk for breakfast (or some other combination of grains and milk). Our darling goes to school and is spaced out for the first couple of hours and then starts to jiggle his leg and pester his classmates, looking like a junky jonesing for his next fix. Then... lunch time.
Pizza or macaroni and cheese for lunch. (Or gluten-coated chicken nuggets and chocolate milk.) Back to class where he’s either the class clown or sleeping on the desk for the next two hours, and then it’s back to twitching and bitching until it’s time to go home.
Afternoon snack? Cookies and milk? Leftover pizza? It doesn’t matter as long as it’s got gluten and casein. And maybe some sugar, caffeine, yeast, good ol’ red dye 40.
In a child with a leaky gut, this kind of daily food intake is like a roller-coaster for their biochemistry. And for their behavior. They look like rapid-cycling bipolar kids. And many of them are diagnosed and medicated with pharmaceutical drugs, which can have dangerous side effects.
Off the soapbox...
So, what does this have to do with substance abuse in adults?
Let’s say your six year old is now fourteen. He’s at his first teenage party. Someone hands him a beer. Or a joint. For the first time. It’s the first time he - or she - has tried alcohol or marijuana... but your child’s body recognizes the response. It’s the same high he or she has been getting for years. It’s a dopamine response. The same one that makes opioids so addictive.
Your child didn’t suddenly become an addict when he or she was handed that first beer or smoked that first bowl. That child was addicted at the age of six (or three...). When they are handed that first beer, they just switched to a new route of delivery.
Those who follow me may wonder what any of this has to do with vaccines, since that’s what I usually post about.
Here’s the answer to that question:
There is an enzyme called DPPIV, which is produced in the body. The purpose of DPPIV is to break down gluten and casein.
DPPIV is deactivated by mercury and by aluminum in vaccines (these enzymes are also deactivated by exposure to other environmental toxins).
Vaccines skew the immune system and in at least some children, lead to increased administration of antibiotics, which leads to the damaged gut, which invites yeast overgrowth.
If you think this is bunk, you probably haven’t gotten this far.
If you’re still with me, let me know if this makes sense to you, or if your family may have experienced this kind of domino effect.
You might be wondering, “What the heck is Candida?” Candida is a fungus, yeast that lives in your mouth and intestines. Its job is to aid with digestion and nutrient absorption. However, when it is overproduced it breaks down the wall of the intestine and penetrates the bloodstream. This releases toxic byproducts into your body and causes leaky gut.
Once Candida has gotten into your intestinal lining and caused your gut to become leaky, it opens the floodgates for undigested food particles, toxins, viruses, and bacteria to pass through your intestinal wall and into your bloodstream. This causes an inflammatory response from your immune system that is trying to to fight off these “invaders.” As your gut remains leaky, your immune system continues sending out wave after wave of inflammation, and soon gets stressed, weakened, confused, and begins functioning less . This can be the cause autoimmune disease.
I have been trying to figure out where all of my nasty post nasal drip has been coming from. Let me tell you Dr.'s are no help. They just wanted to give me crap for my symptoms instead of finding the problem...story of my life.
Long story short, I felt awful, like I was drowning in mucus, no energy, coughing, had terrible eye bags under my eyes...I actually thought I had mold in the house, that is how awful I felt.
How did I get rid of it???
First, I starved the Candida by removing the foods that feed it. I cut all sugar and alcohol and limiting carbohydrates such as fruit, starchy vegetables, grains, and beans.
Then I had to create an inhospitable environment for yeast to grow.
A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar a day with caprylic acid is what helped me.
Now I am going to tell you that as those little candida buggers die off, you will crave sugar and carbs like crazy, they want to eat..be strong, know that at the end you will feel amazing.All the foods below help kill candida, so any you can incorporate in your diet makes the process all that much more quick...
How many of our children appear to be addicted to pizza? Macaroni and cheese? Chicken nuggets? Cereal and milk? Ice cream? French fries and milk shakes? Apples? Grapes? Ketchup? Pickles and pickle juice?
The common factors here are: grains/gluten, milk/casein, sugar, and yeast.
How many of our children who crave these things also have problems (occasionally or chronically) with constipation?
Grains/gluten, sugar, and yeast make alcohol. Especially in places where they sit for a while in warm darkness.
Yeast is always present in the human body. However, when the internal ecosystem (the micro flora of the gut) is disrupted by overuse of antibiotics and steroids, or when the gut is damaged by exposure to environmental toxins, and especially when the gut is damaged by exposure to environmental toxins AND antibiotics... what often happens is an overgrowth of pathogenic yeast. Because all the good guys (beneficial bacteria) have been wiped out, the bad guys take over. The result is candidiasis-induced gut damage. Leaky gut syndrome. Intestinal hyperpermeability.
Yeast are like plants. They have “roots” that burrow through the lining of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. A healthy GI tract is impermeable. It’s tight. It doesn’t leak. A gut that is overrun with pathogenic yeast is like a colander. It’s a “leaky gut.”
Once the lining of the GI tract is damaged, and pathogenic yeast takes over, and the gut becomes leaky, that’s when the factors are perfect for the initiation of what will later become known as “substance abuse.”
Let’s go back to gluten and casein.
Gluten is the protein in wheat. It is also found in many other grains.
Casein is the protein in milk. And cheese, yogurt, cream, half and half, and yes... ice cream.
Gluten and casein are food proteins. They are the two food proteins that are the most difficult for the body to digest. In the presence of an injured gut, and particularly in the presence of a leaky gut, gluten and casein are more likely to break through the lining of the gastrointestinal system, undigested, and from there, they gain entrance into the blood stream. The bloodstream is where undigested food proteins absolutely should not be.
Undigested food proteins in the blood stream can cause (yes! I said CAUSE) very serious health conditions like anaphylaxis. Which can be deadly. Anaphylaxis is an extreme, acute reaction. Undigested food proteins can also cause or contribute to reactions which are less immediately severe, but which can lead to chronic health issues such as allergies and inflammatory conditions affecting the gut, joints, brain, skin, and immune system.
In some people, when undigested gluten and casein break through the lining of the gut, those proteins are misidentified by the body as endogenous opiates. “Endogenous” means produced within the body, and not taken in from an outside source. Endogenous opiates have very similar effects on the.body... similar to other opiates from other sources... like OxyContin. Or heroin. Or other drugs that play a major role in the excitation of the dopaminergic (reward) system.
So... your six year old has had multiple ear infections which were treated with antibiotics. Your baby may or may not have had some weird skin rashes that come and go. And some issues with constipation and/or diarrhea. And yeah... he’s a picky eater. Craves bread. And cheese. And wants ketchup on everything. And drinks pickle juice.
What’s with the ketchup and pickle juice??? And why does she only eat apples and grapes?
Answer: Fermentation.
There’s a reason apples and grapes are used to make wine. They ferment quickly and easily. And that means they “feed” yeast. Children with pathogenic yeast overgrowth crave fermented things and things high in sugar.
Are you getting the picture yet?
The leaky gut allows the undigested gluten and casein to get into the blood stream, where it is misidentified by the body as an opiate.
One of the symptoms of opiate intake/dependence/
Constipation causes fermentation in the gut. If your child has a leaky gut due to yeast overgrowth, he will crave grains and sugars. Those grains and sugars then sit in that warm, constipated environment. And guess what? Your six year old is no longer a child. She’s a still. She’s producing her own alcohol. She may be overly silly and display inappropriate laughter or other emotional responses that seem out of place. Just like a drunk.
Think about this... the typical American child eats cereal and milk for breakfast (or some other combination of grains and milk). Our darling goes to school and is spaced out for the first couple of hours and then starts to jiggle his leg and pester his classmates, looking like a junky jonesing for his next fix. Then... lunch time.
Pizza or macaroni and cheese for lunch. (Or gluten-coated chicken nuggets and chocolate milk.) Back to class where he’s either the class clown or sleeping on the desk for the next two hours, and then it’s back to twitching and bitching until it’s time to go home.
Afternoon snack? Cookies and milk? Leftover pizza? It doesn’t matter as long as it’s got gluten and casein. And maybe some sugar, caffeine, yeast, good ol’ red dye 40.
In a child with a leaky gut, this kind of daily food intake is like a roller-coaster for their biochemistry. And for their behavior. They look like rapid-cycling bipolar kids. And many of them are diagnosed and medicated with pharmaceutical drugs, which can have dangerous side effects.
Off the soapbox...
So, what does this have to do with substance abuse in adults?
Let’s say your six year old is now fourteen. He’s at his first teenage party. Someone hands him a beer. Or a joint. For the first time. It’s the first time he - or she - has tried alcohol or marijuana... but your child’s body recognizes the response. It’s the same high he or she has been getting for years. It’s a dopamine response. The same one that makes opioids so addictive.
Your child didn’t suddenly become an addict when he or she was handed that first beer or smoked that first bowl. That child was addicted at the age of six (or three...). When they are handed that first beer, they just switched to a new route of delivery.
Those who follow me may wonder what any of this has to do with vaccines, since that’s what I usually post about.
Here’s the answer to that question:
There is an enzyme called DPPIV, which is produced in the body. The purpose of DPPIV is to break down gluten and casein.
DPPIV is deactivated by mercury and by aluminum in vaccines (these enzymes are also deactivated by exposure to other environmental toxins).
Vaccines skew the immune system and in at least some children, lead to increased administration of antibiotics, which leads to the damaged gut, which invites yeast overgrowth.
If you think this is bunk, you probably haven’t gotten this far.
If you’re still with me, let me know if this makes sense to you, or if your family may have experienced this kind of domino effect.
Health and nutrition,
Miscellaneous Ramblings
Saturday, October 26, 2019
I am now on INSTAGRAM!!!
Well...I caved...I finally started an Instagram account...
As many of you know, I have left Facebook, so I am going to give IG a try...
Stop in and say, Hi!
As many of you know, I have left Facebook, so I am going to give IG a try...
Stop in and say, Hi!
Friday, October 25, 2019
These are sooooo cute, and easy made with refrigerated crescent rolls!!!
With pizza cutter cut dough into 8 (12-inch) strips.Then cut in half for 16 (6 inch) strips .2 strips make one roll. So you should get 8 rolls from every container of crescent rolls...
Twist 2 strips together and wrap as pictured below.
Stick tails into the center and add a halved pecan to create a “stem.”
Brush with egg wash and bake in preheated 275 degree oven for 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown and dough is baked through.
Serve warm rolls with cinnamon-sugar butter.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Christmas Cookie Cake

1 box Betty Crocker French Vanilla Cake Mix
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 container (15 ounces) ricotta cheese, drained
4 eggs
1 tsp. almond extract
1/2 cup olive oil
3/4 cup heavy cream
Nonpareil Sprinkles
Non stick Cooking Spray
Mix all the wet ingredients together with a electric mixer, then add the dry ingredients.
Do not overmix the wet with the dry, just fold the ingredients til blended .
Heat oven to 325° F. Spray a 9” springform pan with baking spray.
Bake for 1 hour, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Cool completely before removing from springform pan.
Frosting Glaze
2 cups Powdered Sugar
2 Tablespoons Milk or 1/2 and 1/2
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Mix ingredients well with a whisk, drizzle or frost cake while still warm, sprinkle with Nonpareils
Decorated Cakes,
Handmade Christmas
Monday, October 7, 2019
Shredded Mini Chicken Taco Boats
- 2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breasts
- 3 tablespoons taco seasoning
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1/4 cup diced green chilis
- 1/2 cup ranch salad dressing
- Place the chicken breasts in the slow cooker. Sprinkle with taco seasoning. Add the butter and green chilis .
- Pour the ranch dressing over the chicken breasts and cover the slow cooker.
- Cook on low for 5-6 hours or high for 2 1/2 to 3 hours, until the chicken is cooked through.
- Remove the chicken breasts and shred.Add 1 tablespoon flour to the juices and stir to get it well mixed.
- Add the shredded chicken back to the slow cooker and stir.That's it!! Now you are ready to assemble your boats!!
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