Saturday, November 24, 2018

A Christmas Story Leg Lamp

One of my family’s favorite holiday movies is A Christmas Story.

Okay, who doesn’t love this movie? And who doesn’t love that for 24 hours on December 24th you can turn on TBS and find yourself in the middle of it?

I was driving down the road one day and saw a leg lamp in someone’s window. I turned around and drove past again to verify that’s what I was actually seeing. I then laughed so hard I nearly wet myself. I knew then, I just had to have one...

All of the big 50 inch lamps run around 200.00... and...ya, that isn't an option for me.

                     I had a leg in the garage from my glamper table...

I have removed the dinette in my little camper, and added a couch instead, so the leg wasn't being used anyway. 

I found a lamp kit on clearance at Walmart for 5 bucks.The rest of the stuff I had...I used an old shade from another lamp, and an old black shoe I had that squished my toes anyway, so they were just wasting space.I did have to get a brace bracket and a few screws , but all in all it cost around 10 bucks and a couple hours of my time.


Inside view...

Outside view....

~Good Times....