A wetdown is a ritual celebrated by many volunteer fire departments in the United States in which squads of firefighters from neighboring towns ritualistically commission a new fire apparatus by anointing it with water sprayed from the visitors' firefighting equipment.
The planning for the new truck began several years ago. My husband has been the fire chief over 12 years now. The design evolved over the years as the new truck committee continued to research technology and visit other fire departments to see their engines.
When the Department was awarded a grant, the truck committee worked tirelessly to come up with a final design to best fit the Department and the Town. Subsequently, they went out to bid, awarded the contract, and went on an inspection trip to see the truck in its construction phase. This allowed the committee to make a few improvements, see the inner workings of the vehicle, understand how the truck was made, and confirm that everything that was specified was there.
This is the new pumper
Of course I made the cake
It lit up with lights and sirens too!!
Tradition is for the chief to cut the cake with an axe.
Isn't my hubby handsome...He makes me so proud!
Thanks for stopping by!

A wetdown is a ritual celebrated by many volunteer fire departments in the United States in which squads of firefighters from neighboring towns ritualistically commission a new fire apparatus by anointing it with water sprayed from the visitors' firefighting equipment.
The planning for the new truck began several years ago. My husband has been the fire chief over 12 years now. The design evolved over the years as the new truck committee continued to research technology and visit other fire departments to see their engines.
When the Department was awarded a grant, the truck committee worked tirelessly to come up with a final design to best fit the Department and the Town. Subsequently, they went out to bid, awarded the contract, and went on an inspection trip to see the truck in its construction phase. This allowed the committee to make a few improvements, see the inner workings of the vehicle, understand how the truck was made, and confirm that everything that was specified was there.
This is the new pumper
Of course I made the cake
It lit up with lights and sirens too!!
Tradition is for the chief to cut the cake with an axe.
Isn't my hubby handsome...He makes me so proud!
Thanks for stopping by!