Sunday, May 29, 2011


No-Bake HOMEFAKER Strawberry  Torte
serves 8
2 pounds fresh strawberries, washed
1 large container cool whip
1 pkg.instant vanilla pudding mix
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup milk
4 sleeves  graham crackers
1 can chocolate frosting 
Take out a few of the most attractive strawberries and set them aside for the garnish. Hull the rest of the strawberries and slice each berry into thin slices.
With a hand mixer or in the bowl of a stand mixer, whip 1 cup of milk with pudding mix. Add the vanilla.Fold in cool whip.

Spread a small spoonful of whipped pudding mixture on the bottom of a 9x13 inch baking pan . Lay down six graham crackers. Lightly cover the top of the graham crackers with more whipped topping/ pudding mixture, and then a single layer of strawberries. 

Repeat three times, until you have four layers of graham crackers. Spread the last of the whipped pudding over the top and swirl it lightly with a spoon. Add a few more strawberries.
 Heat can of frosting in microwave for 1 minute, and drizzle top of torte using a knife or spoon. DELICIOUS!

It's best to refrigerate a couple hours before serving...if you can wait that long!
                                     Hope you like it!