Toss the pie tin, tipplers, rhubarb ain't just for dessert anymore!!!
1½ cups rhubarb, roughly chopped
1 cup sugar
1½ cups water
~ Champagne or Sparkling water
~ Ice
1.Place rhubarb, sugar, and 1½ cups of water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer. Cook for about 15 minutes, until the syrup is bright pink.
2.Turn off the heat and allow to cool. Strain syrup into a large jar.
3.To make each drink, measure ¼ cup rhubarb syrup into a glass. Add enough sparkling water to fill the glass ⅔ full. Stir to mix, then add ice. Garnish with a stalk of rhubarb for a stir stick.
Rum Havana, Rhubarb Syrup, sour mix

This is really tasty!
Rhubarb Punch:
4 cups rhubarb
2 cups water
1 cup sugar
2 T. raspberry jello mix
1 cup pineapple juice
1/4 cup lemon juice
16 oz. sparkling water
Cook rhubarb in water until soft. Drain through a cheesecloth and save juice. Dissolve sugar and Jell-O in rhubarb juice. Add pineapple juice, lemon juice and chill or freeze. Add soda just before serving. You can make several recipes and freeze (don't add soda, add after thawing)."You can also "spike" this one with Vodka or Tequila Dahling"...